Minecraft Beta & Preview –
- 这些进行中版本可能不稳定,可能不代表最终版本质量
- Minecraft预览可在Xbox、Windows 10/11和iOS设备上使用。更多信息请访问 ataka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- 该测试版可在Android(Google Play)上使用。要加入或退出测试版,请参阅seeaka.ms/JoinMCBeta以获取详细说明
- 不同强度的药水效应无法正确堆叠。我们希望在未来的测试版/预览更新中解决这个问题。
- Windows和Xbox上的Minecraft Beta播放器需要安装最新的Minecraft预览版本来测试最新的预发布功能。更多信息请访问aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- 典狱长现在可以穿过熔岩(MCPE 53582)
- 典狱长现在可以通过水(MCPE-153602)
- 典狱长在出现或挖掘时不再可以推动
- 如果典狱长在试图破产卵时处于液体中,它不会进行挖掘动画,相反,它只会在没有任何动画/声音的情况下破产(MCPE-155706)
- 典狱长现在总是在咆哮后追逐讨厌的东西
- 典狱长现在对攻击骚扰的愤怒增加了100次攻击
- Sculk传感器现在可以正确检测大滴叶块何时改变其倾斜状态(MCPE-153115)
- Sculk传感器现在可以正确检测何时用锄头耕种草、草路径、污垢、粗污垢或根土块(MCPE-153734)
- Sculk传感器无法再检测到配备手持物品的玩家(MCPE-153971)
- 现在,从Allay中获取可堆叠项目可以正确地将该项目添加到现有堆栈中(MCPE-153540)
- 从Allay获取可堆叠项目不再导致项目重复
- Allay拾取范围从64块更改为32块,以匹配Java版(MCPE-156022)
- 现在,当用丝绸触摸开采时,Sculk Vein块掉落的物品数量与其面孔数量一样多
- Sculk Catalyst现在可以通过泥浆和泥红树林根传播Sculk(MCPE-153924)
- Sculk Shriekers现在扫描一个侧面有48块的盒子里的典狱长,而不是96个街区
- Sculk Shriekers现在对威胁级别为3或4的玩家应用黑暗效果
- Sculk Shrieker现在可以在骑任何类型的实体时检测到玩家(MCPE-153814)
- Sculk Shriekers现在在玩家站立时反复激活(50%)(MCPE-153818)
- Sculk Shriekers现在牵连到从远处挑起它的玩家
- 红树林繁殖不再被叶子阻止生长(MCPE-154982)
- 红树林原木现在包含在奖金胸部战利品表中(MCPE-153924)
- 村民现在在红树林沼泽中产卵为沼泽村民(MCPE-153731)
- 粘土补丁现在可以在红树林沼泽中正确生成
- 玩家现在可以在按住跳转按钮的同时连续跳跃(MCPE-117045)
- 玩家现在可以使用新的触摸控件从脚手架顶部下降(MCPE-154309)
- 更新了触摸控制操纵杆的视觉风格
- 在装甲槽中装备物品的暴徒现在发出声音(MCPE -46939)
- 营火现在可以为其他街区提供全脸底部支撑
- 灯笼现在可以为其他块提供全脸底部支撑
- 哭泣的藤蔓现在可以放在所有可以提供全脸底部支撑的块下面(MCPE-153083)(MCPE-104717)
- 用胸部打破一艘船或用胸部打破地雷车现在会激怒附近的小猪林(MCPE-153393)
- 结构块不能再被水淹没(MCPE-59566)
- 离开Nether门户的实体的相对定位不再将其位置卡入块位置坐标(MCPE-139835)
- 修复了一个视觉错误,根据对角相邻的块,液体在角落可能有意想不到的高度(MCPE-152995)
- 处于观众模式的玩家现在可以在任何地方呼吸
- 处于观众模式的玩家不能被活塞推
- 观众将因跳过夜晚的睡眠规则而被忽视
- 作为观众四处走动将不再影响玩家的饥饿程度
- 观众不再播放自制的声音;如脚步声、攀岩、水溅等。
- 一旦玩家切换到观众模式,玩家的失眠计时器就会停止滴答作响
- 在观众模式下只为玩家渲染头部
- 半透明地让观众观看
- 箭头、三叉戟、火球等射弹现在将通过观众射击
- 玩游戏手柄的观众不再显示无法使用的工具提示
- 现在,在带胸部的船上使用时,高级选择块可以复制里面的物品(MCPE-153410)
- 芽和真菌现在可以放在泥浆和泥红树林根上
- 使用剪刀时,红树林叶子不再被收集到单独的堆栈中
- 带有战利品桌的箱子在用“/克隆”、“/填充”或“/设置块”移除时不再掉落物品(MCPE-151876)
- Book & Quill中的尺寸、按钮布局和照片删除行为进行了小幅更改,使其在移动设备上功能更好
- Tadpoles现在在草甸和石峰长大成温带青蛙,在深黑暗中长成冷青蛙
- Froglight步行音量现在与其他块步行音量更相似(MCPE-154879)
- 玩家在关闭时不再被门推(MCPE-154734)
- 现在,当库存满时,物品可以立即正确堆叠(MCPE-34959)
- 通过库存屏幕在装甲槽中装备物品现在可以发出声音(MCPE-46939)
- 玩家现在可以听到对方在盔甲插槽中装备物品()
- 修复了结构块和命令加载的实体会导致用于保存结构的原始暴徒和之前结构负载中的任何暴徒的诞生的问题(MCPE-155036)
- 修复了1.18.30之后将实体传送到1.18.30之前未加载的块将导致该实体丢失的问题
- 修复了史莱姆不再在1.18年之前制作的平坦世界中产卵的错误(MCPE-119396)
- 修复了史莱姆产卵尝试失败会降低其他暴徒产卵率的错误(MCPE-153502)
- 修复了导致乘客在越过大块边界时重新装货时停止骑行的错误
- 修复了进入船时重置玩家垂直相机角度的错误(MCPE-152762)
- 修复了玩家在某些高度(即使没有摔倒)在脚手架上行走时可能会受到摔倒伤害的错误(MCPE-154779)
- 修复了一个错误,即升级旧世界可能会导致y=0以下的水柱
- 现在,当山羊夯红树林原木时,山羊角会正确掉落(MCPE-154912)
- 手头物品不再变黑
- 修复了从内部查看屏障块时显示红色纹理/叠加的视觉问题(MCPE-98938)
- 在iOS上添加了蓝牙鼠标和键盘支持
- Trader Llama现在有自己的产卵
- Trader Llama现在在打开库存时显示正确的名称(MCPE-47165)
- 音乐现在包含在iOS应用程序中,不再需要从市场下载
- 被斧头或典狱长击中时禁用的盾牌现在会播放破碎的物品声音(MCPE-153315)
- 修复了船只从世界上卸下时可能发生的坠机事件
- 修复了当枯萎被加载到世界上时可能发生的崩溃
- 添加了更改通知持续时间的设置
- Friendly Fire游戏规则切换已移动到创建新世界屏幕上的多人选项卡
- 在移动设备上,体验栏以整个热键为中心,包括末端的ellipis
- 在聊天屏幕中添加了拷贝坐标控制面板
- 暴徒产卵者现在只有在被鹤嘴锄摧毁时才会掉落XP()
- 将Minecraft:block_collisionblock组件重命名为Minecraft:collision_box
- 将‘minecraft:block_light_filter’组件重命名为‘minecraft:light_dampening’,并添加了适当的版本控制
- 将“部分可见性”组件的字段“规则”重命名为“条件”,并添加了适当的版本控制
- 将“crafting_table”组件的字段“custom_description”重命名为“table_name”,并添加了适当的版本控制
- 更新了“minecraft:map_color”和“minecraft:material_instances”的文档
- 修复了Minecraft:block_placeritem组件,以正确触发块组件Minecraft:on_player_placing
- 现在,通过从一种演员类型到另一种演员类型的转变,方向将保持不变
- 自动完成建议现在仅显示有效的参数
- 修复了在被水淹没和可交互的块上使用桶时的交互优先级,例如杠杆(MCPE-154221)
- Trader Llama现在是自己的专用暴徒,而不是具有特定组件组的普通Llama
- 现在可以通过“即将到来的创作者功能”实验切换获得新的执行命令功能
- 添加参数 keepVelocity:bool to functions teleport and teleportFacing – 如果为真,则在传送实体时保持速度
Information on the Minecraft Preview and Beta:
- These work-in-progress versions can be unstable and may not be representative of final version quality
- Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBetafor detailed instructions
Here’s a list of what is new in this week’s Beta! As always, please search and report any bugs you may find at bugs.mojang.com and send us your feedback.
Known Issues
- Potion effects of differing strengths do not stack correctly. We hope to have this addressed in a future beta/preview update.
Minecraft Beta
- Minecraft Beta players on Windows and Xbox will need to install the latest Minecraft Preview version to test out the latest pre-release features. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- Warden can now path through lava (MCPE-153582)
- Warden can now pass through water (MCPE-153602)
- Warden is no longer pushable while emerging or digging
- If the Warden is in liquid when attempting to despawn, it will not do the digging animation, instead it will just despawn without any animation/sound (MCPE-155706)
- Warden now always chases a nuisance after it roars at it
- Warden now increases its anger towards an attacking nuisance by 100 anger for each attack
Sculk Sensor
- The Sculk Sensor now correctly detects when a Big Dripleaf block changes its tilting state (MCPE-153115)
- The Sculk Sensor now correctly detects when a Grass, Grass Path, Dirt, Coarse Dirt, or Rooted Dirt Block is tilled with a Hoe (MCPE-153734)
- Sculk Sensors cannot detect a player equipping a handheld item anymore (MCPE-153971)
- Taking a stackable item from an Allay now correctly adds this item to existing stacks (MCPE-153540)
- Taking a stackable item from an Allay no longer cause item duplication
- Allay pickup range is changed from 64 to 32 blocks to match Java Edition (MCPE-156022)
Sculk Vein
- A Sculk Vein block now drops as many items as its number of faces when mined with Silk Touch
Sculk Catalyst
- Sculk Catalyst can now spread Sculk through Mud and Muddy Mangrove Roots (MCPE-153924)
Sculk Shrieker
- Sculk Shriekers now scan for Wardens in a box with side 48 blocks, not 96 blocks
- Sculk Shriekers now apply Darkness effect to players with threat level 3 or 4
- Sculk Shrieker now detects player when riding any type of entity (MCPE-153814)
- Sculk Shriekers now activate repeatedly while players are standing on them (50%) (MCPE-153818)
- Sculk Shriekers now implicate the player that provokes it from afar
- Mangrove Propagules are no longer blocked to grow by leaves (MCPE-154982)
Mangrove log
- Mangrove Log is now included in Bonus Chest loot tables (MCPE-153924)
Mangrove Swamp
- Villagers now spawn as Swamp Villagers in Mangrove Swamp (MCPE-153731)
- Clay patches now correctly generate in Mangrove Swamps
Touch Controls
- Player can now continuously jump while holding down the jump button (MCPE-117045)
- Player can now descend from the top of Scaffolding with the new touch controls (MCPE-154309)
- Updated the visual style of the touch control joystick
Vanilla Parity
- Mobs equipping items in armor slots now produce sounds (MCPE -46939)
- Campfires can now provide full-faced bottom support to other blocks
- Lecterns can now provide full-faced bottom support to other blocks
- Weeping Vines can now be placed underneath all blocks which can provide full-faced bottom support (MCPE-153083) (MCPE-104717)
- Breaking a Boat with Chest or minecart with chest will now anger nearby piglins (MCPE-153393)
- Structure Blocks can no longer be waterlogged (MCPE-59566)
- Relative positioning of entities exiting Nether portals no longer have their placement snapped to a block position coordinate (MCPE-139835)
- Fixed a visual bug where liquids could have unexpected heights in the corners depending on diagonally-adjacent blocks (MCPE-152995)
Spectator Mode
- Player in Spectator mode can now breathe anywhere
- Player in Spectator mode cannot be pushed by Piston
- Spectator will be ignored for sleeping rules to skip the night
- Moving around as a Spectator will no longer affect player’s hunger level
- Spectators no longer broadcast self-made sounds; such as footsteps, climbing, watersplash, etc.
- Player’s insomnia timer stops ticking once the player switches to Spectator mode
- Render only head for players in Spectator mode
- Render players in Spectator semi-transparently
- Projectiles such as Arrows, Tridents, Fireballs will now shoot through Spectators
- Spectators playing with gamepad no longer are shown unusable tooltips
- Advanced Pick Block now copies the items inside when used on a Boat with Chest (MCPE-153410)
- Nether Sprouts and Fungi can now be placed on Mud and Muddy Mangrove Roots
- Mangrove Leaves are no longer collected into separate stacks when using shears
- Chests with loot tables no longer drop items when removed with ‘/clone’, ‘/fill’ or ‘/setblock’ (MCPE-151876)
- Small changes to size, button layout, and photo removal behavior in Book & Quill to make it function better on mobile devices
- Tadpoles now grow up into Temperate Frog in Meadow and Stony Peak, and into Cold Frog in Deep Dark
- Froglight walk sound volume is now more similar as other blocks walk sound volume (MCPE-154879)
- Players are no longer pushed by Doors as they close (MCPE-154734)
- Items now stack properly in the offhand when inventory is full (MCPE-34959)
- Equipping items in armor slots through inventory screen now produces sounds (MCPE-46939)
- Players can now hear each other equipping items in armor slots ()
- Fixed an issue where entities loaded by Structure Blocks and commands would cause the despawn of the original mob used to save the structure and any mobs from previous loads of the structure (MCPE-155036)
- Fixed an issue where after 1.18.30 teleporting an entity to a chunk that has not been loaded since before 1.18.30 would result in the loss of that entity
- Fixed a bug where Slimes would no longer spawn in flat worlds made before 1.18 (MCPE-119396)
- Fixed a bug where failed Slime spawn attempts would reduce the spawning rates of other mobs (MCPE-153502)
- Fixed a bug causing riding passengers to stop riding when reloaded if they were across chunk borders
- Fixed a bug which reset the player’s vertical camera angle upon entering a boat (MCPE-152762)
- Fixed a bug where players could take fall damage when walking around on Scaffolding at certain heights (even when not actually falling) (MCPE-154779)
- Fixed a bug where upgrading old worlds could result in water columns below y=0
- Goat Horn now correctly drops when Goats ram Mangrove Logs (MCPE-154912)
- Items in off-hand are not rendered black anymore
- Fixed a visual issue where Barrier Blocks would show a red texture/overlay when being viewed from the inside (MCPE-98938)
Mobile Controls
- Added Bluetooth mouse and keyboard support on iOS
- The Trader Llama now has its own spawn egg
- The Trader Llama now has the correct name displayed when opening its inventory (MCPE-47165)
- Music is now included in the iOS app and is no longer needed to be downloaded from the Marketplace
- Shields that are disabled when struck by an Axe or by Warden now plays broken item sound (MCPE-153315)
Stability and Performance
- Fixed a crash that could occur when Boats are unloaded from the world
- Fixed a crash that could occur when a Wither is loaded into the world
User Interface
- Added settings to change duration of notifications
- Friendly Fire game rule toggle has been moved to the Multiplayer tab on the Create New World screen
- On mobile devices, the experience bar is centered over the entire length of the hotbar, including the ellipis at the end
- Added copy coordinate control panel to the chat screen
- Mob Spawners now drop XP only when destroyed by a Pickaxe ()
Technical Updates
- Renamed minecraft:block_collisionblock component to minecraft:collision_box
- Renamed the ‘minecraft:block_light_filter’ component to ‘minecraft:light_dampening’ and added appropriate versioning
- Renamed the ‘part visibility’ component’s field ‘rules’ to ‘conditions’ and added appropriate versioning
- Renamed the ‘crafting_table’ component’s field ‘custom_description’ to ‘table_name’ and added appropriate versioning
- Updated documentation for “minecraft:map_color” and “minecraft:material_instances”
- Fixed minecraft:block_placeritem component to correctly trigger block component minecraft:on_player_placing
- Direction facing will now be preserved through a transformation from one actor type to another
- Autocomplete suggestions now show only valid parameters
- Fixed interaction priority when using a Bucket on a waterlogged and interactable block, eg. Lever (MCPE-154221)
- The Trader Llama is now its own dedicated mob instead of being a normal Llama with specific component groups
Technical Experimental Features
- New execute command functionality is now available via the “Upcoming Creator Features” experimental toggle
GameTest Framework
- Added argument keepVelocity: bool to functions teleport and teleportFacing – If true, preserves velocity when teleporting the Entity